Why be online?
At some point your company is going to be searched for online, as well as people searching for products and services that you may be able to provide.
While online results may not be the primary source of business for you, the internet is only growing and it is extremely beneficial to your company to have an online presence.
What is found when you are searched for?
If people cannot find out how to contact you or information on the products and services that you provide they will go to someone else.
How do people find companies to provide products and services?
- Word of mouth
- Telephone Directory
- Online Search
- Web Advertising
- Print Advertising
- TV, Radio
If your company is not listed where your potential customers are looking, they are not going to find you, that just makes sense.
With the growth of internet there will be people searching online, and there will also be those people who are looking in magazines, newspapers or have received flyers.
While it can be expensive to try and advertise in all forms of media, finding out how best to reach your target market and then ensuring that you are prominent in that area is important, and having a website for people to go to for more information is vital in this day and age.
These options all include free options with only having to pay for additional functionality.[/ultimate_heading]
There are dozens of online directories and most of them are either free or offer a free option. You should be listed on as many of these as possible and try to make sure that there is a link to your website, this may not be included in all the free options but it is worth paying for the website link option.
Here are a couple of options, there are more that you could find with a little research.[/ultimate_heading]